Saturday, July 26, 2014

Kona | Manta Ray Night Dive

Have a total backlog of trips to write about, but life gets in the way. Here is our video from our manta ray night dive in December 2013.

This was probably the first and last night dive I will do in my life. Seeing manta rays with their 6-feet wingspan was breathtaking. One of them swam right above our heads and nearly touched us. But swimming around in the dark while heading back to the boat and not being able to see who was next to you (if anybody) was disturbing. We each carried flashlights but that wasn't quite enough to help us sufficiently see while in the depth of the ocean. But glad we were able to witness these amazing creatures up close nonetheless.


  • If you are even slightly prone to seasickness, take your pills! These waters in Kona can be rough at night.


  1. That was insane but would've been the terrific experience I reckon. manta ray snorkel kona is the experience of the lifetime if you are on vacation there.

  2. Ahh this is almost a practical visual for those who haven't visited yet. Informative and helpful for those who plans to visit Hawaii. The best adventure you may enjoy is manta ray snorkel kona.
